If you have any question, please send us the messages on AliExpress, we will reply you as soon as possible. All emails will be answer within 24 hours, but it maybe delayed due to weekend or holidays.
About Shopping
Usually we will ship the orders within 1-5 working days (exclude holiday and weekend) after the clear payment receive, so please provide the detailed address information, in order to receive your order successfully. we provide tracking service so that you can the tracking info on the website of order detail.
About Shipment
Estimated arrival time 14-35 days from the days of order. in remote towns, you need to go to the post and take away your parcel by yourself.
Return & Refund
Not receive – (on the way—please patiently wait; return-resend or refund) if you have any question, please contact the customer service staff, the communication is the best way solve problem.
About Feedback
A five-star feedback will be highly appreciated if you are satisfied with our product. If you are unsatisfied with our product, please contact us immediately instead of leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will respond to you as soon as possible and give you a satisfied solution.